How to remove yourself as a “Fan” on your Facebook profile
I’m posting this tip because it took me forever to figure out how to remove myself from being a “Fan” of something or other on Facebook. Seems that it is really easy to become a fan of something, but...
View ArticleSearching your Facebook page for “Automation Log” does not show you people...
A recent Facebook hoax reads like this: IMPORTANT No joke! Apparently multiple people have had a hacker. I tried this and yes he was listed on mine too. The way to find them is to go into your...
View ArticleFacebook Makes New Layout Changes in February 2010
I logged in to my Facebook account today and saw that Facebook has once again changed things up. Since the changes are being rolled out to just a few users right now, here are a few screengrabs of the...
View ArticleWhat Is The # (Pound) Sign in Front of People’s Names on Facebook
I’ve been seeing this question popping up again and again. “What is the # sign in front of people’s names on Facebook?” (Also called a “pound symbol” or “sharp sign.” It’s what’s called a “hash-tag,”...
View ArticleHow To Block Farm Town on Facebook
OK, people, you have a virtual farm. I get it. I don’t get why you have a virtual farm, but I get that you do. Good for you. Please leave me out of it. Thanks for the chicken, but no thanks. No, I...
View ArticleFacebook Rolls Out “Master” Privacy Controls
Got this in the mail from Facebook today. Turns out the rumors are true. Thought I’d share. Hi Eddie, Facebook will roll out changes today that will make it easier for our users to understand and...
View ArticleOpera changes third-party iframe cookie handing in latest release
The support requests for my Facebook-based application started coming in today: “This application isn’t working in Opera!” “I just keep getting redirected! I’m using Opera.” “Your site is BROKEN!...
View ArticleYour Phone Number is on Facebook – Who Cares?
A lot of my Facebook friends keep re-posting this. Apparently people are outraged that their phone number is available to their Facebook friends. Why is everyone so concerned? The message: PHONE NUMBER...
View ArticleAnother Facebook Hoax –“Becoming a Father or Mother was the greatest gift of...
When will these Facebook users learn? Pretty much anything you see or hear along the lines of “Don’t do this / don’t do that / this person is trying to get you” is NOT true. The latest is a warning...
View ArticleRockMelt takes privacy seriously, but you can’t use it unless you share all...
Well isn’t this just the most hypocritical thing I’ve seen all week. Seems that Marc Andreeson, one of the brains behind NCSA Mosaic and its successor Netscape Navigator, is working on a new web...
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